Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two Major Victories!

We have been waiting on two important things and they both happened today!  These two "victories" are on total opposite sides of our fight for Stanton's health...but to me they both represent progress.

I recently announced that we are going to the Cincinnati Children's Hospital for an appointment on November 11th.  Very exciting news, right?  Well, what I haven't posted about is the fear that this visit may not be covered by insurance.  Because Stanton already has a Gastrointerolgist (GI), insurance companies consider visits, like the one we've planned to Cincinnati, a duplicate service.  We've been investigating how to get this visit covered.  After doing some digging, I realized that the GI we will meet with in Cincinnati also has specialities including Hepatology and Nutrition.  These extra specialities are listed in his bio, printed with his credentials and are included in all those letters at the end of a doctor's name.  We submitted a letter to our insurance company pointing out these extra services and have just been waiting.  John and I have also been looking at numbers, trying to work out a Plan B.....but as of today, we no longer have to worry about a Plan B.  Our insurance coordinator sent us an email stating that all services at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital will be covered at the PPO level!  This means they've approved the facility as an "in network provider."  God is good and continues to provide!

The other big news is this:  Stanton pooped today!  Okay - that may sound a little crazy?  He hasn't had a bowel movement since last days ago.  So, to us, it's not crazy at all!  It's a huge relief for our household. 

Thank you for your continued thoughts, notes and prayers. They mean so much to us!   

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