Saturday, May 1, 2010

Getting Started

Well, I've finally made the decision to start blogging about out life! So many have said, "oh, you should write that down," .... so here I go!

I must first introduce the culprit behind Our Carpet Stains. This is our little guy, Stanton, on a healthy day (to hear this video, you'll need to pause the music player at the bottom of my blog):

Good days like this one sure keep us hopeful on the not so good days!
I hope you enjoy the ride as I attempt to share pieces of our life with you,


  1. I am sooo glad you're doing this! What a great video... jenn

  2. What a great blog:) I was thinking of you last night, knowing what Aidan was going through wasn't even close to Stanton's version of normal. Much love to both of you :)

  3. Ginger, what a great thing you are doing! I think of you often. I think I have definitely learned that through the sleepless nights, bottom line...Aidan is much more resilient than I am! I LOVED the video of Stanton dancing!!! Can't wait to get the boys together!

  4. He's got his daddy's dance moves! Love it!

  5. That's awesome! I love the subtle shoulder bounce.
