Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Occupational Therapy

Stanton is in early intervention and through this program receives speech and occupational therapy (OT). He’s been on a waiting list with a highly recommended occupational therapist since April. We are now officially off the waiting list! Today we met her for an interview and evaluation. She asked tons of questions and had me complete a sensory screening profile. Then we went into her “gym.” Such a fun place! There is a wall of climbing equipment, a slide, huge balls, little balls, games, swings and Stanton’s favorite, a big ball pit.

Stanton has always been a deep sensory seeker….he loves to squish in the couch cushions, climb on soft things, roll on the floor, bounce, burrow under blankets. The ball pit was just heaven for him. Swinging, on the other hand, is something that he has always avoided and doesn’t seem to enjoy. When we go to the park, he won’t even acknowledge the swings and turns into a limp rag doll when I try to put him on a swing. I did find this one picture of Stanton on a swing. I think this moment lasted as long as it took to click this picture.

The OT said that every child she’s ever worked with that has feeding or oral motor issues also has a fear of the swing! What a strange combination. I asked her what the connection was and she said she couldn’t put her finger on it. It’s just a fact she’s observed. Hmmmmm………my research brain is going crazy to match this link! I know that swinging is good for the vestibular system. I guess I never considered that the vestibular system plays a role in feeding. As I find more information about this apparent link, I’ll post of course.

So – this is where we begin. The OT wants to strengthen his vestibular system. She thinks that she can get Stanton not only on the swing, but enjoying it within a month!


  1. That's so exciting! Swings were always my favorite as a child, and I hope Stanton soon knows and loves the wind on his face and the rush as your feet leave the ground!

  2. If Stanton is in your arms does he mind swinging like a pendulum (side to side) as much as back and forth. I am very interested in this connection now too. I will let you know what I find in my books.

  3. I too hope he can love the wind on his face as he swings! Helen - he doesn't mind me holding him and swinging. The OT said swinging in an adult's arms provides the extra sense of touch which adds "pressure" and "input" to the body.

  4. Eric was the same. He now loves swings. Postural instability -- fear of not knowing where he was in space, was the issue with swings and slides, whereas with a ball pit, you totally know where you are in space.
    We made him a ballpit when he was Stanton's age for really cheap. Got a blow up, circular swimming pool and loaded it with balls - you can get them at Walmart and Target or online; about $10/hundred. He might love it if you can stand to have such a thing in your house :).
    You can make a lycra swing also for cheap. This would give Stanton input (it's like a cocoon), but also allow for swinging and vestibular input. I hope the OT can really help Stanton.

  5. Ryan always hated the swings - he ate everything in sight though. Go figure.

  6. Christi - I thought about making a ball pit here at home, but I'm not sure I could stand the balls all over our living room. We don't have a play room or anywhere else to put it. I like the lycra swing idea - thanks!

  7. Congratulations on getting in with your OT!!
