Monday, August 16, 2010


How do you describe a child? By their hair color? Height? Personality? Age? Gender? Likes? Personality?

Me too…

…So you can imagine my distress as I read the following descriptive words in the genetic summary: dysmorphic features, frontal bossing, hypotonic, epicanthal folds and low set ears. I googled each word so to decipher the message encrypted in the report. I found that all of these adjectives point to a possible genetic condition when they combine or accompany another symptom.

After all we’ve been through, I really thought we had already heard everything. I guess that’s why we continue to add specialists to our list. Each doctor looks at his/her own area of the body. I’m discovering, that my job, as the parent, is to put each part together and somehow connect the dots.
After eating a chicken nugget and paying the price....

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