Friday, September 28, 2012

same ol', same ol'

This pretty much describes our summer:
And this pretty much sums up the start of Fall:
I haven't blogged in a while because there really hasn't been much to report.  We continue to face the same daily struggles and battles we have all the time.  Stanton still has good and bad days; still isn't much of an eater; still sees more doctors than any four year old should; still has some sort of therapy practically everyday.
We are trying hard to have some "normal" kid things for him as well.  I really don't like the fact that his chronic illness and low immune system keep him from participating in school and many other things.  I know Stanton craves social time away from me.  So, in August he started Karate.  He loves it so far, although we have missed more than we've been thanks to asthma.  After Labor Day, we enrolled Stanton in a Sunday evening church program.  He's only made it once, but seemed to enjoy it.  I really hope his health will improve so we can participate in these fun activities on a more regular basis. 
We have made progress in getting Stanton to take his medications without throwing up (well, most days that is, as today he did throw up a claritin).  He also seems to know understand the importance of staying hydrated, and will now drink something even when not feeling well.  It does take lots of's working!  Both of these things may seem small, however, they have kept him out of the hospital for the last four months!  So, in our world....that's HUGE!

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