Wednesday, April 20, 2011


  Last Monday I took Stanton to see his developmental pediatrician, Dr. Anderson. She is so nice and always really connects with Stanton. She said that she just ran across some recent research about the digestive system. Here’s what I remember from her description of the research: The digestive system is the only system in our bodies that can work apart from the body. The only way the digestive system communicates with the rest of our body is through the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve begins in the brain and stimulates both the lungs and the stomach. The research suggested that patients who were being treated for gastric issues, should instead be treated for a neurological disorder. That quite possibly there is a misfiring from the brain to the digestive system via the vagus nerve. Hmmmmm…..interesting stuff isn’t it? Okay – I’m totally a nerd, but also the mom to a child who takes a variety of medications for the various issues in his digestive system. He takes something for his upper esophagus, something for his stomach and something for moving things on out. Wouldn’t it be great if all he needed was a medication for his brain? I don’t even know if a medication like this exists yet, but the idea of it all really has me intrigued.

So – Dr. Anderson is in the process of setting up a sedated MRI for Stanton. She said that she is really interested to see what it reveals and feels it could show something. She reminded me that he has more going on than just the feeding and digestive issues….low muscle tone, mild sensory issues, and some facial features that suggest a disorder. All of this could be revealed through the MRI.

I’ll keep you posted as things progress!



  1. Praying for answers!

  2. That is amazing - and so interesting, and I hope something may be revealed to make everyone more comfortable everyday. Love to you all!

  3. soooo glad someone finally ordered an MRI!
