Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Small Success!

Stanton has had a touch of pnuemonia this past week and weekend.  He's on tons of steriods and breathing treatments.  However, for the first time in a year, we were able to manage this at home!  The same symptoms, just three months ago, would have landed us in the hospital.  But, as I said in my last post, he now will take his medications and drink fluids.  This is such great progress for our family.
We go to Tulane to see the pulmonologist on Thursday.  I have lots of questions for him! Currently, Stanton takes Claritin every morning and Singular every night; Pulmicort every morning and Xoponex every night.  That just seems like a lot of different medications to help control his asthma.  My other question is about how to make his upper respiratory cilia stronger and more responsive.  His last scope at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital showed that during an "asthma flare" or illness his cilia freeze.  The cilia are the tiny hairs in our respiratory tract that help move mucus.  Since Stanton's freeze, his body has a difficult time fighting something like a simple cold.  
A friend of mine posted the verse below on facebook this week.  It was just what I needed to hear in the midst of my questioning God about why my child continues to struggle with his health.  May it speak to you as well this week
"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God
has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Cor 2:9


  1. I know that carpet cleaning is not easy to do but I wanna offer that we may ask the help of Office carpet cleaning Toronto.

  2. That's a very cute picture of both kids, they have a great time together. It reminds me of my little brother when we were younger.
