Things are certainly becoming more and more inticing to Stanton. He is happy, silly and adventurous these days. I can tell he feels better and is so much fun to play with lately.
Stanton is becoming really curious around food - noticing that others are eating - asking to taste. At therapy we spend a lot of time playing with pretend food. He really enjoys pretend cupcakes and hamburgers! A step stool now lives in our kitchen at home and Stanton seems to enjoy helping me cook, stir, wash dishes, load the dishwasher and pull out the spices.
We played with some friends at Monkey Joe's yesterday. When Stanton's little friend said she was ready for lunch, he actually stopped what he was doing and said "lunch." So, we proceeded to the concessions and I let him pick anything. I know - throw caution to the wind, right? Well, I'm noticing that Stanton will sometimes take a bite of something, chew it up, then spit it out, rather than swallow. It seems to me that he is really good at reading his body. So - he picked a slice of cheese pizza. I pulled the cheese off and let him chew on the crust with sauce. He actually ate 6 or 7 real bites. I think our friends were trying to make conversation, but I really couldn't concentrate as I was so intently watching my little man enjoy a slice of pizza for the first time.
He hasn't thrown-up...but the chronic diarrhea has certainly kicked in. Every diaper has been a blow-out. Dairy sure does a number on his little system. Again today we were at a function with pizza available. I said, "Look Stanton, they have pizza just like at Monkey Joes". Stanton looked at me with a serious face and said "No pizza today Mommy." I guess he knows his stomach can't handle it two days in a row.
It's amazing to me that Stanton is growing and thriving on Elecare alone. My sweet, precious boy.
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