Thursday, September 26, 2013

The End of an Era

Oh my goodness....I don't even know how to begin this post!  Stanton graduated from private therapy! Did you read that?!?!  We are done with private speech, feeding and occupational therapy in the private setting!  What will I do with myself?

 I clearly remember this adorable little bald 10 month old beginning intensive speech and occupational therapy!
Therapists came to our home and attempted to work on Stanton's low muscle tone and feeding aversions.  

It was the hardest thing I've ever been a part of!  Most children just eat....but not this blue eyed miracle.  Every touch, lick and taste has been documented, scrutinized and monitored.  Sitting at the table was a complete nightmare.  Cooking anything strong smelling in our kitchen could set off the most violent throw ups beyond your imagination. 

This picture was a pivotal moment for our family.  1) Stanton is sitting at the table.  2) He has a spoon in his mouth 3) his lips are completely closed around that spoon. We had to teach him every single one of those skills.  Yes...even tongue control and lip closure!  

Long hard days turned into longer, harder, weeks which rolled into excruciating months and eventually our routine year after year. We never went anywhere without a baby bottle of stinky sock smelling medical formula.
The park
or the pool!

And suddenly today, I have this amazing 5 year old little guy who can do this:

Stanton has so much to teach this world!  I can not wait to watch him continue this journey of life.  God knew exactly what he was doing when he honored me with Stanton.

"Count it joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." James 1:2-4


Friday, August 23, 2013


Had that moment today...the freshness of grieving again the loss of "normal" associated with Stanton.   I know some of you understand exactly what I'm talking about.  Certain things just bring it all back...all we've been through with him.  Stanton started kindergarten last week.  He's at a public school that has everything he needs and the added bonus of a fabulous teacher.  It really is a great fit for our family!

Today was his first "hard and emotional" day.  The iep intervention teacher personally called me to fill me in.  Which is awesome!  The staff actually communicates and wants parental involvement. soon as I hung up the phone that feeling of sadness filled me.  How many of my other friends have sent their child to school and had to deal with ieps and services and medications and accommodations and today received a phone call from the school.  So, I had a little cry and thought I'd share.  We've all been there and will be again!

Here are some cute first day of school pictures for you to enjoy!

He really has come a LONG way!


Friday, January 11, 2013

Photo Card

Little Hearts Valentine's Day
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Photo Card

Little Hearts Valentine's Day
Unique designs that are as unique as you. Shutterfly.
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